TianDe centimetre will help you to:
– easily measure your waist (and that is a significant indicator, which can inform about health problems if you have them);
– quickly calculate your body mass index (BMI, the acknowledged by dieticians indicator to determine the ideal weight). You just have to correlate your height and weight on the centimetre’s scale, and it will show your BMI;
– control your success on the way to slim body.
There are convenient tips on the centimetre itself. It is divided into areas: green – everything is fine, orange – pay attention, there are problems, red – urgently take care of your health.
The centimetre is two-sided – to measure men’s and women’s waists. The convenient fastener will help to fix the belt in order to measure you with the maximum precision. It’s enough to just press a button to roll up the centimetre.
Find your height on the green scale (rotating circle). Find your weight on the white scale (the centimetre frame). Turning the green circle, make these indicators meet. The arrow in the BMI area will show your BMI.